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Member Testimonials 

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Saving the Quarry Sanctuary in Jeanette

December 2023

"The land I love so dearly is in danger of being poisoned by the petrochemical industry."


Read laZae's compelling story about protecting her family's land with the help of Protect PT.





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Fighting for Clean Air and Water in Plum

December 2022

"I knew in my gut [the terrible chemical smell] had to be related to the well activity, but needed help to understand all the impacts. That’s when I turned to Protect PT."



Join Katie as she tells her story about how an injection well in Plum propelled her into action! 




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Protecting our Kids From Pollution 

July 2022

"Gillian and I moved to Trafford because it looked like an amazing place to raise our family. Almost immediately, we found ourselves fighting to keep the air clean and safe for our kids."


Read Ryan's story about protecting what matters most: his children. 



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