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Beaver Run

Clean water is our most precious resource. Picutred a drawing of animals near a pond

Protecting Our Precious Resources:

For over a decade, fracking has been active around the Beaver Run Reservoir by CNX. Fracking companies use an enormous amount of water to frack a single well and this water is so contaminated it can no longer be used for human consumption.

Water Quality

Does Your Public Water Come From the Beaver Run Reservoir.png
Copy of Beaver Run Reservoir There are more than 50 wells near the reservoir with many les

Air Quality

Photo provided by Bob Donnan

- Air is monitored quarterly at well pads and compressor stations by Dr. Bradshaw, at I.U.P.


- Initially four shallow wells in the area were showing increases in pressure and had to be flared.


- By the time the well was “killed” it was up to 9 wells flaring at one time.


​- Wells were flared for over two weeks, flaring ended Feb. 12.


- Air monitoring requested by MAWC on Feb. 6, 9 or 10 days after flaring began, showed elevated levels of Carbon Monoxide, C02 and Sulfur Dioxide SO2 during monitoring done with handheld monitors while walking near flares.


- By this time not all wells were still being flared

There are more than 50 wells near the reservoir with many less than 1,000 feet from the water's edge.

Located in Westmoreland County, Beaver Run is a public water source for 150,000 people in the 39 surrounding townships.

More than 50 wells are located near the reservoir. Many of the well pads are less than 1,000 feet from the water's edge, yet a large portion of the scientific community agrees that half-a-mile is the bare minimum when working near drinking supplies.

In early 2019, drilling complications at one of CNX's deep gas wells resulted in pressure spiking at nearby shallow wells. Nine shallow wells were continuously flared for days to receive pressure. Authorities claimed there were no impacts on the environment or nearby community, but air monitoring showed elevated levels of Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, and Sulfur Dioxide.

About Beaver Run

Infastructure near Beaver Run Reservoir, including Shaw Pad, Compressor Station, Gaut Pad, and Aikens Pad. February 10, 2019

Infrastructure Near the Beaver Run Reservoir

Dearmitt Pad Picture taken February 10, 2019
Beaver Run Lateral Map with key
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