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Penn Township Rezoning

  • January 7, 2025

    • This upcoming meeting the Planning Commission meeting will recommendation their approval of the language changes in the Township ordinance, as it pertains to rural resources. This does not mean that they approve the rezone and it’s changes. That decision will most likely be decided on February 4 at the Planning Commission's monthly meeting. 

  • December 2024

    • Protect PT sent a petition around to all Penn Township residents in our contacts, asking them to encourage Commissioners Jeff Shula and Chuck Konkus and Solicitor Michael Korns to recuse themselves from any ordinance decisions regarding the rezone effort, considering all three men have ties to oil and gas. While the rezone effort does not directly tie into oil and gas operations, increasing the Industrial Commerce zone allows for gas infrastructure to expand in Penn Township. This will be presented to the Planning Commission on January 7 at their monthly meeting. 

  • November 26, 2024

    • Joint Board of Commissioners and Planning Commission meeting to discuss ordinance, address questions, and hear public comments

    • Residents will be allowed to comment at the meeting, or they may submit written comments before or on the 26

    • ​This meeting will act as a preliminary hearing for the rezone matter 

  • November 21, 2024

    • Informational meeting for residents about the Penn Township rezoning​

    • Will also help residents with prepared comments for the joint 11/26 meeting 


PT ReZone Map.jpg

Do you live at or near Walton Crossing, Frye, Bouquet, Walton, and Dutch Hollow roads? If so, you may be affected by this effort. 

Map for Proposed Rezoning

Zoning map with stars (1).jpg

Map posted at 11/26 joint Board of Commissioners and Planning Commission meeting

In 2015, Penn Township proposed expanding the current industrial zone along Walton and Melon roads, but due to outcry from residents, that proposal was scrapped. Now Penn Township commissioners are attempting to expand this industrial zone again, making way for uses like truck stops, compressor stations, gas processing facilities, warehousing, and other industrial uses. Residents do not want heavy industry disrupting the rural characteristic of their home, decreasing their property values, and potentially causing tax increases across the township. 

At the October Planning Commission meeting, the Commission discussed plans to change the zoning of a large area in the township's northeast corner from Rural Resource (RR) to Industrial Commerce (IC). At this meeting we found out that the Board of Commissioners have been working behind closed doors since last year with a consultant company, Strategic Solutions, without telling the residents most affected.


Protect PT worked to quickly inform and mobilize people on this decision, making sure that residents have an input and their concerns are considered. Since then, nearly 100 residents have shown up to oppose this effort. 


While the township is proceeding with the rezoning effort, the timeline has shifted for this project. Instead of hoping to pass a final ordinance to prepare for the rezoning by the end of 2024, township solicitor Michael Korns said he expects things to pass in early 2025. 

Protect PT will continue to provide up-to-date information about developments and future meeting dates. Come back to this webpage to stay up to date, or stay posted via email! Click the link below to submit our Penn Township rezoning interest form.

How to Take Action

Write a Letter to the Commissioners

Write a letter to the Penn Township Commissioners telling them that you don't approve of the rezoning proposal.

Spread the word!

Most Penn Township residents are unaware of what's going on. Direct them to this webpage to inform them as to what's going on, or print and distribute our informational flyer!

rezone info flyer.jpg

Click the PDF to view Planning Commission's 12/03/24 meeting agenda to see what was discussed

Slides from PPT's 10/16/24 resident meeting

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Map of rezone area with local fracking wells

click to view in new window.

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Don't know who your commissioner is?

Check out this ward map to find out!

Click to download.
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